Friday, March 7, 2008

Points of Clarity

I just finished reading the bookk called THE ONE THING YOU NEED TO KNOW by Marcus Buckingham. He is a business writer that looks into how the best organizations and leaders acheive their goals.

He points out great organizations and leaders must have is clarity. The way to confidence is to be clear and vivid about the future. Clarity gives confidence. vagueness births anxiousness. He gives three questions that everyone organization to be clear on. I thought I would apply them to Celebration Church.

Question #1: Who do we serve?

This question gives our church focus. Who do we serve? Some say the church should serve the poor and the needy. After all, James says true religion is helping out the orphan and the widow. Others might say we serve those who are lost; those without a relationship with Jesus Christ. Didn't Jesus say we are to witness to the ends of the earth? I've heard people argue that we are to serve morality. The church is here to be a force of good on earth. I've even heard people say the church is serve each other.

None of these are the answer. We are here to serve God and his glory. The first thing we have to remember is the church is not about us. It's about God. It's about His glory. It's about briging people into his fame and not ours. In all our endeavors and decisions we must serve God.

How do we know is we are serving God? When we are obedient to Him. How do we know how to obey? By reading the Bible. It is God's word on how to serve.

Question #2: What is our core strength?

Our core strength is small groups. We believe that people grow into disciples by being part of a small community of believers. It is in a small group that realtionships are formed where we can spur each other on to serve God.

Churches can be strong in a lot of areas, and are. Some are strong in worship, evangelism, missions, or fellowship. All of these are good to have in a church. We have chosen small groups because our focus is on making disciples.

Question #3: What is our core score?

Our core score is keeping track of how many people are actively involved in a small group. Right now we have 7 small groups and our plan is to keep growing. Our vision is to raise up 10,000 disciples. If we average 10 people in each small group then our goal is to start and nourish 1000 small groups.

When Jesus set up the church he set it up as an institution that will serve God. It is in a small group where we are discipled that we learn how to serve God happily and effecively.

Hope this clarifies what Celebration is all about.

In Christ Alone,


(I apologize about the typo's. I had to type this quickly today.)

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