Friday, December 19, 2008

Favorite Moments from 2008

Here are some of my my favorite moments from 2008

Friday, December 12, 2008

Friday Update, 12/12/08

Good morning y'all. Here are my thoughts on church this week.

1. Sunday was awesome. We had the five baptisms and that was a great way to cap the day! The worship itself was awesome too. the prayer station sat the end were well done and it was a great way to cap off the series on prayer. Cool!

2. I am very thankful for Christy. She put in a lot of extra time and was sick while leading the worship service. God used her in a great way.

3. I've been doing a lot of planning for next year. Do you realize that in 9 months we plan to be at 300 people That's crazy faith! We have to begin acting on that faith and start planning and be ready for an extra 170 people in attendance. our church is really going to change this year. I believe we all will be challenged.

4. Lastly, please pray for the church. Our faith is not in us, but in Jesus. he will provide. He works when we pray. So pray. We are completely dependent on him!


Friday, December 5, 2008

Friday Morning Catch-Up 12/5/08

Sorry I haven't written in the past couple weeks; Thanksgiving and the Holidays, et al..

Here are some thoughts i've been having about Celebration the past couple weeks...

> It seems we've lost a little, stress "little", momentum in the past month concerning attendance. It seems sickness and travel hit our numbers. I'm looking forward to everyone coming back during December and feeling better!

> Seeing Amber leave for Kuwait is tough. I know we'll all be praying for her and Romy. Their three little one's are precious. It is also neat to see how Romy's Life Group is pitching in to help out in incredoble ways.

> I was excited about our budget, expecially in these tough times. our budget for this year was 136,000 and we will bring in about 150,000. That is exciting. For our ministry to increase so will the giving. It will be neat to see how God will provide.

> I've been working ont he state of the church address that I'll give in January. As I worked on it that we plan to double our minisry in 2009. We plan to go from 120 in attendance to 300 by September. We need to be prepared for God's blessing! Little things like chairs, how we do communion, offering, and the like. How will we do that with 300 people? What about space for our children? The Jones home is maxed for youth group. Where could they go if that doubles? These are solutions we need to find now so that we can accomplish our goals.

We have a lot of work cut out for us in 2009!

We've come a long way in 2008. i look for us to go further in 2009!

As God Blesses....